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Near Peekskill, New York, United States
My view. No apologies --Shorts, Poems and Photos-Your Comments are always appreciated. (Use with permission)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Take Good Notes
(advice to my favorite counselor)

Take good notes
develop your own good style
leave the weight on those
accurate pages-
store away
each meet and man and fact
for future reference need.

Take good notes
so your heart be light
and care not about
the clouds of the day
or storms of controversy
they need not
keep you up at night.

Smile on
every person you meet
friend or foe
rely upon the shaken hand
trust to a point
every man
but take good notes.


highpockets said...

good advice and great photo.
i only hope the world is kind in return.


camerabanger said...

Thanks, Adele, glad you liked it.
I'm doing jury duty now and have come to realiize just how important good records and time sheets are to a lawyer (and others as well) and this poem came out on the commuter train going into the city.