Invited “Anne” over last night for a glass of wine and a movie. I can not tell you exactly why I did it. This is not a friendly place- Tequesta Hills Condominium”- and no one even expects a smile when passing in the street, let alone an invitation for the evening. But she and I had begun a dog-walking relationship over the past few weeks and I thought she might appreciate a little company. I went over to her apartment and she invited me in. She showed me her paintings and her drawings. They were very good. I could learn a lot from her. Her dog Ollie came over to me and let me pet him. She said that it was rare for him to be so trusting. ( I didn’t tell her I am the “Dog Man” and have a secret key that unlocks the hearts of all dogs!) I told her to come on by at about 7:30 and we would watch a movie from the library and have a glass of wine, etc... I told her to bring Ollie too. Gurler wouldn’t mind the company.
She came on time and we sat, she, Elisabeth and I in our place and I turned on the TV. Lizzy poured them some white wine while I que’d up the DVD. We talked a while and the DVD player went into sleep mode which meant it played a slide show of my photographs on the TV screen. Anne seemed interested in the pictures and we ended up talking about the photos for the better part of an hour. It was fun but I was self-conscious of being a bore and making her view and talk about our camper and our sons and our lives in general. I got over it when I realized she was genuinely interested.
We watched the movie (What the Deaf Man Heard-about a boy who is abandoned and who plays deaf for twenty years. Dickens-esque story that was sweet and innocent. Perfect for the evening ) and Lizzy made popcorn and tea. It was a strange coincidence that Anne has an adopted son who is deaf. She told us a little bit about him while we watched the film. Her insights about the handicap were heartfelt and informative. And then she said something that made me feel wonderful. She said “You two are so easy to be around...” I could tell she was enjoying the evening and the company and if she didn’t enjoy the family photos then she was a brilliant actress. How lovely our lives really seem when viewed through the eyes of another person. Elisabeth and I are so lucky and creative and happy. But we lose sight of our good fortune and it takes another perspective to see that sometimes. In the end what seemed like an act of kindness inviting a stranger into our home turned into a reaffirmation of ourselves. We got, from the evening, so much more than we gave, which, I guess is what friendship is all about.
Gurler and I walked Anne home after. The weather was starting to threaten and the coming rain was foreshadowed by the humidity that hung in the wind. The orange colored street lights lit our way. Gurler was happy to be out. We dropped Anne off by her gate and went home cutting across the lawn and the parking areas, just before the rain blew into Tequesta.
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