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Near Peekskill, New York, United States
My view. No apologies --Shorts, Poems and Photos-Your Comments are always appreciated. (Use with permission)

Friday, February 28, 2014

Friday, Feburary 28

Another perfectly good month has slipped on by.  A short one to be sure but a very, very rough one.  Sick.  Snow.  I feel ok now and the snow is something I have finally just resigned myself to, but with a forecast of another 12” this weekend I am sinking into the valley of ‘shite’ once again. 

The Gurler and I have just crossed the frozen lake.  The sun was bright but did little to warm us as we slid across the surface of the Westchester Lake in the late afternoon.  The dog didn’t like the ice much and kept veering off towards the closest shore.  I had to keep calling her back-and she came, but reluctantly.  Off on the easternmost side, just shy of the dam I stopped short.  It looked like the water was fluid at the weir and I decided not to test the strength of the ice in that area.  Good chance it was plenty thick enough to support us as the rest of the lake seemed to be frozen a good foot thick.  Instead the dog and I climbed out and up the bank to walk home via the road.  Gurler looked relieved to be off the slippery ice.  I was overheated in my long johns, vest, and heavy coat.  Dressed way too warm.  
We stopped and visited our friend Jan and her dog Christie and played for twenty minutes until both dogs were exhausted and Gurler wanted to get home to dinner.  We finished the walk stamping our feet on the porch and leaning my walking staff in the corner near the front door.  Inside the house the air was thick and steamy with the smell of homemade soup.  Elisabeth put a ladle on Gurler’s dry food and the dog jumped like a circus performer in expectation of the treat.  She gulped her meal and came over to me to get ‘burped’, tail wagging.  I swear she smiles.  Yes I do!  I thought to myself (though I believe she can read my mind) I am lucky to have you.  You make a cold day on an icy lake seem like a vacation.  Thanks, Gurler.

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