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Near Peekskill, New York, United States
My view. No apologies --Shorts, Poems and Photos-Your Comments are always appreciated. (Use with permission)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Penny in the Crapper

In the crapper there is
a penny on the floor
it sits in a dust ball
below the hinges on the door.
it has been there
a couple of years
(or more)
and I see it
every morning.
Dozens of people
must have seen it too
but sits there still
as if it is glued
to the asphalt tile
strangely unmoved
by human hand,
bucket and mop,
or broom.
Along with
the K-mart towel
(a new one
each year)
a florescent bulb
an immobile fan
the penny lives on
on the floor of the can-
as a point of focus,
an example
of inflationary trends,
as a testament to
those tiny pleasures
shared by man-
a cup of coffee
a toilet
a private moment
a single cent
on the floor of the can.

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